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    How to pack your bathroom into your suitcase: Tips for lightweight traveling

    Traveling with toiletries in carry-on luggage can be a bit tricky. Between the size restrictions on liquids and trying to stuff all of your liquids into a small zip-lock bag, things get frustrating. Below you can find some tips in packing your bathroom into a suitcase in order to help you travel lighter and smarter.

    TSA 3-1-1 Rule

    TSA 3-1-1 Rule

    Tip 1: Don’t pack it if you don’t need it.

    Rethink everything you put in your suitcase, especially when it comes to toiletries. Many people try to put every product they have in their bathroom into their suitcase just in case they might need it. Remember, it’s easy to purchase toiletries just about anywhere you travel. A forgotten item is not the end of the world. Simply head down to the local supermarket, drugstore, or pharmacy where ever you’re traveling and purchase that forgotten item.

    Tip 2: Use a small traveling toiletry bags with a clear counterpart

    Having all your bathroom items in one spot makes traveling much easier. Find a small, flat, toiletry bag with multiple compartments that can fit your makeup, shower items, creams, brushes, and razors. But most importantly, search for a bag that has a clear compartment for your liquids, so that you can easily remove it from your carry-on when going through airport security.

    Tip 3: Forget Travel-Sized Toothpaste

    Stop buying travel-sized toothpaste, it is completely unnecessary. Standard-sized toothpaste tubes meet the liquid size requirements. Grab the toothpaste you use every day from your bathroom and bring it along with you, it is already small and lightweight so it won’t take up much space or weight. It will save you a bit of money.

    Tip 4: Travel-Sized Face Moisturizer

    One of the hardest things to find is usually a travel-sized face lotion. Finding a face lotion that fits the appropriate carry-on requirements is nearly impossible in the supermarkets and drug stores. After much searching, we found that Sanseti ( sells a fantastic face moisturizer that comes in a 2-ounce jars, perfect for travel.  Don’t be afraid of the quantity, a little bit of this goes a long way.

    Sanseti Skin Care: Revitalizing Marine Moisturizer

    Sanseti Skin Care: Revitalizing Marine Moisturizer

    Tip 5: ‘Less is more’ in packing makeup

    Just take the essentials. Don’t take the whole makeup bag which surely has products in there that you never or rarely use. Select the products you use every day. Put them into a small makeup bag for travel, and ditch the items that you won’t need.

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